For about 8 years, I have been using a Rigol DS1052D 50 MHz scope (which works up to 100 MHz with a well known software fix), but recently, it has given me some grieve: the knobs turn, but the settings jump, both for scale and time base. This is quite annoying – trying to fix something, with broken tools or scopes, is no fun.
Already expecting the worst, like, mechanical failures of the scope of encoders, or some strange software bug (because all encoders were affected at virtually the same time), I decided to open up the scope. Easier said then done. There are 4 screws, two of which are under the handle, and you have to remove the powder on button with some bent wire (don’t scratch the case!). Then, move around the back cover, eventually, it will come off! Don’t give up! Don’t remove the screws of the power input socket!
Once inside, you need to take off the two screws for the D9 connector, and then, several more screws to take out the power supply, before you finally get to even further screws holding on the front panel.
Before taking any soldering iron to replace the encoders, as suggested by some folks on google, I tried to use the magic DeoxIt D5 to clean up things and to get it going again. Just spray some of the stuff into the encoders, there are some small openings (circled red on in the image). Turn the encoders to make it work. After a while, clean of any excess D5, don’t let it get in touch with the rubber of the DS1052D buttons – most rubber can handle D5, but better not try your luck!
And, it worked like magic. Not only are the encoders working again, but also the feel of the knobs is much better, not as sticky as it used to be.